This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

40 more years slipped away

Well, the first thing I have learned is how accurate Jimmy Buffett he says in He Went to Paris...time just slips away. Each week I keep meaning to post and I get caught up in different things and just this once, I put it off til the next class and now it's half way through the semseter and I havn't posted! YIKES.
Another thing I have learned, and this just recently, is that class starts at 1:40! Who knew? (Well, apparently everyone else) I thought it started at 1:55 whidh explains why I was late each day. grrrrr
But all kidding aside, I really have learned alot. I have been wanting to learn about podcasting for ages, and in fact include it in my own classes, and just havn't had the time what with all the emails n stuff. And now I know!