This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Bloggedy blog blog blog. One thing that is becoming apparent as I blog about my life is that...well...I don't have one. Not that I don't do anything. In addition, today I went to a conference on leadership through the arts. It was actually quite a cool conference and I enjoyed it. And I had a table where I was selling my photos and I got quite a few complements. Didn't sell any, but I like a good ego stroking as well as the next person. But the conference was, after all, part of work. And last night I went to a literary magazine part because they were publishing some of my photos. And I really enjoyed it. But it was actually for work.

Now on a good day, I would say, "Isn't it great that part of my work is doing cool things like going to art conferences and literary launches." But today it just feels like...I don't have a life.

But that may well be due to the fact that the semester is ending and we all are a bit tired out. I do get to sleep late tomorrow (which is an exciting event in my life) and then I am going down to help my Dad decorate for Christmas and out to a tasty supper with him (Mom is out of town) so that should be fun. I'll check in tomorrow and see if a good night's sleep makes a life appear.

Meanwhile, another cute photo for your pleasure.<

Thursday, November 29, 2007

There is no mercy shown from students (I wonder where they get that from) so here I am posting again lickity split.

Had much fun last night. I left work a bit early (4 p.m. - okay - that's way early for me) and met my parents and some friends for Christmas at Los Olas.

We had a tasty dinner (Big City Tavern) and wandered around looking at all the decorated stores, listening to the live music and soaking up the Christmas atmosphere.

I even bought a Christmas present. One down, 47 more to go!

When it got too crowded to have fun, we retired to the Starbucks in Wilton Manors and had tasty beverages and much good conversation.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Bad blogger

Bless me blogosphere for I have been a bad, bad blogger. It's been one week since my last posting.

You would think with the holiday that I would have MORE time to post but that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead, I got distracted by holiday merriment (and some migraines) and next thing I knew a week had flown by and I hadn't posted a thing. I read recently in an article on what makes a good blog that you should post daily. While my students are only required to post twice a week, I think I will attempt daily postings. I am more likely to remember something I am supposed to do every day. Not necessarily more likely to DO it - but at least to remember it. And that's a start!

As my penance, I will post this totally cute picture for your amusement.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Fun Weekend

Well I am getting my second post of the week in by the skin of my teeth. I have been having a fun weekend and have no time to do any work. A friend of mine has been in town visiting. We have been having much fun hitting various art venues, parks, resteurants and doing some cooking. Let me clarify - he has been cooking - I have been eating!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I have returned

So I am back to blogging. My students are required to keep a blog and post at least twice a week in my media techno trends class so I guess it's only fair for me to hold myself to the same standard. I don't have much to say at this piont. I am more of a blog reader than a blog writer. But I enjoy reading my bogs every morning over coffee so much that I will endeavor to be as interesting or witty or insightful as those other writers are. Right now I am just writing to an empty universe so that makes it a bit of a challenge. Is this just a journal online or am I writing to someone?