Bloggedy blog blog blog. One thing that is becoming apparent as I blog about my life is that...well...I don't have one. Not that I don't do anything. In addition, today I went to a conference on leadership through the arts. It was actually quite a cool conference and I enjoyed it. And I had a table where I was selling my photos and I got quite a few complements. Didn't sell any, but I like a good ego stroking as well as the next person. But the conference was, after all, part of work. And last night I went to a literary magazine part because they were publishing some of my photos. And I really enjoyed it. But it was actually for work.
Now on a good day, I would say, "Isn't it great that part of my work is doing cool things like going to art conferences and literary launches." But today it just feels like...I don't have a life.
But that may well be due to the fact that the semester is ending and we all are a bit tired out. I do get to sleep late tomorrow (which is an exciting event in my life) and then I am going down to help my Dad decorate for Christmas and out to a tasty supper with him (Mom is out of town) so that should be fun. I'll check in tomorrow and see if a good night's sleep makes a life appear.

Meanwhile, another cute photo for your pleasure.<