This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Nachalat- Binyamin

I had heard of another really cool market near Carmel market that is only open Tuesday and Fridays. I was planning on going Friday but I decided I’d better go today, just in case something happens to prevent my Friday excursion – this being my last week here. I took a cab down and it turns out it is right next to Carmel market…Carmel goes one way down a V and Nachalat-Binyamin goes the other way. (At first I thought the taxi driver had been trying to drop me, yet again, at the wrong place!)
I love this market!!! Love it! I spent every cent I had (it took a valiant effort not to spend my cab money home). It was an arts and craft market with an incredible selection of photographs, jewelry, Judicai, and everything in between, almost all hand made, and often the artist was sitting right there working on stuff. And this is not church Christmas bazaar type stuff. These are really cool art pieces from very inexpensive to fairly pricey, in every style you can imagine. Definitely something for everyone. I got two very cool mezuzahs, lots of jewelry and a few gifs for people. After 3 hours in the market my wallet and my feet were exhausted. Home once again to research, order in food and watch Angel with Deb!

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