It occurs to me that with all the spirit/no spirit posts, I have not actually blogged about my Christmas day yet. It was extremely nice. My sister made it in from Pakistan, which we were keeping our fingers crossed on as it looked like she might have her leave canceled. She has been staying with Mom and Dad so Christmas Eve I loaded up everything I could think of and drove over there (next town 30 minutes away) We followed all our traditions. We had pizza and watched a Christmas movie and then went to our traditional 7 p.m. mass (because we all get tired too early to go to midnight mass) and then drove around looking at Christmas lights and caroling and playing Christmas trivia. During the light looking, we cruised by my house so I could give the cat her meds (insulin and Prozac - gotta love the kitty) and pick up all the gifts that wouldn't fit in my car earlier and the various things necessary for an overnight visit that I had forgotten. 4 bags to spend the night. Sheeesh!
Christmas morning I was awoken by the traditional sound of reindeer bells and we went down and opened all the gifts. There were so many that we had to take a break half way through and have our traditional German breakfast and go back for more. Then, after a short nap, we prepped for Christmas dinner. Mom's table was set with her Christmas Spode china and Christmas Crackers and decorated eggs for everyone she brought back from Salzburg. I have two close friends who are single and they came over and joined us for the afternoon and dinner as did my cousin who lives in town. Around 8 p.m. everyone left and and we finished clearing up and I headed back to my house (because kitty needs her meds) It was a lovely two days and I got to have both friends and family there. I was truly blessed.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The semester that finally died

I think my earlier supposition about why I wasn't in the Christmas spirit was true. I kept having work to do. Now that I have put a moretorium on work activities (except for responding to a handful of grad students because it would really be cruel to make them sweat it out through vacation) until Jan. 2nd, I am getting much more festive. And since I am a firm beleiver in the traditional 12 days of Christmas (which begins on Dec. 24th and goes until Jan 6th) I still have some time left to enjoy (despite the fact that XM stereo removed the Christmas channels from my tv today....I'll have to break out the ipod and cds now)
Today I am picking up the photos I ordered to make my Christmas cards and I will try to write the first draft of my Christmas letter. Tonight I am going out with a close friend who recently moved away but is back for Chiristmas. Meanwhile, I am playing around on my computer trying to figure out how to do some stuff on itunes so that my sister can steal all of my music before she heads back to Pakistan on Saturday. Not a bad 3rd day of Christmas (or is it 4th?)
Monday, December 24, 2007

Well this is the last day. Christmas is tomorrow. I have about 3 hours to finish whatever needs to be done before Christmas day. (Due to the bizarre time lag here I only have a few working hours today. I am a night person and my family are all morning people. This results in some time challenges. For example, I have to be at the family domicile at 3:30 for the Christmas Eve activities. But I went to bed at 3 am and just woke up at 11a.m. So not alot of "day" in my day!) I'm not even sure what that is. But since I give myself until the end of Christmas (Epiphany Jan 6th) to get all "not in this location" gifts and cards sent, it shouldn't be to crazed! Happy Holidays to anyone who reads this blog!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Slow posting

Well, I haven't posted since the last day of class. Apparently, not having to post twice a week to keep up with my students has severely limited my posting! Of course, the fact that it is FINALLY VACA might have added to it. I have more time to post but much less inclination. I did hand in all my grades on time and have been alternating between Christmas parties, Christmas shopping and doing the work tasks that I put off the last couple weeks of class. In fact, I was going to entitle this post "The Semester That Wouldn't Die." I am not going away this Christmas, which is very rare for me, so I have had all this extra time to get ready for Christmas. And yet, I seem to keep having work stuff to do. Usually, the day I hand in grades, I am done working until prep week before classes start. But this semester there seemed to always be one more little thing, meeting, report to be done. I have to say, I think it has sucked alot of the Christmas spirit out. I don't feel bad, I just don't feel like Christmas is the day after tomorrow. My new plan is to not do any work until Jan 2. To give myself an actual break. I have found in the past, if I don't get a break, I don't come back refreshed and I burn out much faster. So now it is Christmas!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Last day

I thought this image expressed what it feels like to be a prof at this time of year. I of course, am the man fishing and the cats are my students. "Have you graded my paper?" "When will you post the grades?" "Are you in your office?" Now I totally sympathize. It hasn't been THAT long since I was a student and I was a student for a long time so I remember the anxiety as you are waiting to find out how you did on the projects you put so much time and effort into. I also remember the anxiety of please let me pass this course. BUT. Sometimes it does feel like being stalked by hungry cats. The pressure when you just want to chill for a minute and watch your TIVO and the cat is eyeing you with that stare, willing you to get up and fill the food bowl. Or the roawrrrs of the cat who will NOT SHUT UP until you feed it. So you sigh, get up, and do your duty.
But today is the last day. I just have to go to school to get one more paper slid under the door and then class number two will be done and I can submit those grades. And class number three ends tonight and since i am dong portfolio grading in class, that will be graded and done before I leave. So when I leave school tonight I will be done, free, finished for Christmas. (okay what that really means is free to work on my research and finish all those little department projects that got triaged to the bottom of the to do stack but I am not thinking about that now. In fact I am so overwhelmed with grading, that that stuff is looking good now!)
We gotta have a meme
Okay, we can't cover blogging in our course without doing a meme.
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I can't find the blog who tagged me now but if I do I will link to it. It was one of the ones I read regularly that said, "If you haven't done this yet then I tag you."
1. I broke my arm once because I forgot I was in a tree house and walked off the edge.
2. I have had 24 broken bones...and no I do not have soft bones and only two of them took place from the same accident.
3. I have traveled all over the world and lived in two countries other than the U.S.
4. I earned all the Junior Girl Scout badges.
5. I saw a ghost once and remembering it now still freaks me out.
6. I sing in the car when I drive, with the radio turned up really loud so I can't hear my own voice.
7. When I am feeling insecure I sometimes pull out my GRE scores and look at them.
I tag my students...and since all the other blogs I read have already done it I will have to stick with those six.
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I can't find the blog who tagged me now but if I do I will link to it. It was one of the ones I read regularly that said, "If you haven't done this yet then I tag you."
1. I broke my arm once because I forgot I was in a tree house and walked off the edge.
2. I have had 24 broken bones...and no I do not have soft bones and only two of them took place from the same accident.
3. I have traveled all over the world and lived in two countries other than the U.S.
4. I earned all the Junior Girl Scout badges.
5. I saw a ghost once and remembering it now still freaks me out.
6. I sing in the car when I drive, with the radio turned up really loud so I can't hear my own voice.
7. When I am feeling insecure I sometimes pull out my GRE scores and look at them.
I tag my students...and since all the other blogs I read have already done it I will have to stick with those six.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Early Vacation
My mind has left for Christmas vacation, even though I keep telling it that vaca doesn't start until next week. I started finals going strong. I had nicely spaced out all my assignment's so I wouldn't get hit with several big ones at once. My first day of finals, I followed my plan and went to Starbucks, and once *bucks had closed moved to IHOP. But I didn't go home until everything was graded and final grades entered into the computer. But the next day...the plan was the same but when I got the Panera bread to read my students final papers. I. Did. Not. Want. To. And there is only so much you can do to make yourself grade. You can make yourself sit down with the papers. You can make yourself hold them. You can even force your eyes over the words. But if your brain is unwilling to process the words, what can you do? So I have been circling the pile of papers since Wednesday. There aren't even that many. circle. circle. I am going to try to do half today and half tomorrow. Otherwise I will be panicking on Monday, trying to get ready for my next class and totally stressing out. IT'S NOT VACATION YET. Do you think my brain heard that?
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
How do you know it's finals week?
It's beginning to look a lot like finals........
1. You get in the shower and think, "When was the last time I was in here?"
2. You wake up and the clock says 11 and you don't know if that is a.m. or p.m.
3. You start having nightmares about forgetting to hand in grades for a class. (A variation on the student nightmare of forgetting you were taking a class.)
4. It's becomes evident that no one else knows where their shower is either.
5. Students compliment you on how well you're dressed because you have no clean clothes to wear and are stuck wearing you best things.
6. You forget how to spell and punctuate as well as the words to your favorite songs.
7. You start fantasizing about shopping in a busy crowded shopping mall and it looks GOOD to you.
8. Students you have never seen before show up in your office asking what they can do to improve their grade.
9. The people at Starbucks feel sorry for you because you spend so much time there working.
10. Getting free treats at Starbucks becomes the highlight of your day.
11. You are able to offer a thoughtful and incisive critique of Starbucks holiday drinks even though you misspell your own name.
Final thoughts.
What a professor feels like at finals.

What students think we feel like.
1. You get in the shower and think, "When was the last time I was in here?"
2. You wake up and the clock says 11 and you don't know if that is a.m. or p.m.
3. You start having nightmares about forgetting to hand in grades for a class. (A variation on the student nightmare of forgetting you were taking a class.)
4. It's becomes evident that no one else knows where their shower is either.
5. Students compliment you on how well you're dressed because you have no clean clothes to wear and are stuck wearing you best things.
6. You forget how to spell and punctuate as well as the words to your favorite songs.
7. You start fantasizing about shopping in a busy crowded shopping mall and it looks GOOD to you.
8. Students you have never seen before show up in your office asking what they can do to improve their grade.
9. The people at Starbucks feel sorry for you because you spend so much time there working.
10. Getting free treats at Starbucks becomes the highlight of your day.
11. You are able to offer a thoughtful and incisive critique of Starbucks holiday drinks even though you misspell your own name.
Final thoughts.
What a professor feels like at finals.

What students think we feel like.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Things are going pretty well as far as finals are going. I mean I have stuff I have to do but I have enough time to do it all. In fact, I believe I will achieve a goal I have only ever achieved one time before - grading my finals and submitting thier grades the day they take the exam. I can't help but think I have forgotten something important!
Monday, December 03, 2007
I do have a life

Turns out what I needed was not a life but a good nights sleep! (And thanks for the post about the value of both my life and a good nights sleep!) Friday I went up and helped my Dad decorate for Christmas and then he took me out to dinner. We walked around the neighborhood that night with our after-dinner coffee and looked at the neighbors lights. On the way home, I checked in with my friends who were at Starbucks grading and went over to hang with them. We closed the Starbucks and stayed outside talking for about an hour more. I thought on my way home how that day was answer to my previous post. I am so lucky to have my parents healthy and living close by. and that I have some good friends here and that I am even luckier to work with them so that I see them everyday and that going into work is like hanging out with friends. (Actually- it IS hanging out with friends). Today I went up to do the Victoria Park home tour which I have been wanting to do for years. It was well worth the effort to get up there in time (I had slept in a wee bit late - til 2pm!) I stopped by another friends house on the way back. Now I have my Christmas tree up (although not yet decorated) and I have some grading to do while watching Will & Grace. Life is pretty good.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Bloggedy blog blog blog. One thing that is becoming apparent as I blog about my life is that...well...I don't have one. Not that I don't do anything. In addition, today I went to a conference on leadership through the arts. It was actually quite a cool conference and I enjoyed it. And I had a table where I was selling my photos and I got quite a few complements. Didn't sell any, but I like a good ego stroking as well as the next person. But the conference was, after all, part of work. And last night I went to a literary magazine part because they were publishing some of my photos. And I really enjoyed it. But it was actually for work.
Now on a good day, I would say, "Isn't it great that part of my work is doing cool things like going to art conferences and literary launches." But today it just feels like...I don't have a life.
But that may well be due to the fact that the semester is ending and we all are a bit tired out. I do get to sleep late tomorrow (which is an exciting event in my life) and then I am going down to help my Dad decorate for Christmas and out to a tasty supper with him (Mom is out of town) so that should be fun. I'll check in tomorrow and see if a good night's sleep makes a life appear.

Meanwhile, another cute photo for your pleasure.<
Now on a good day, I would say, "Isn't it great that part of my work is doing cool things like going to art conferences and literary launches." But today it just feels like...I don't have a life.
But that may well be due to the fact that the semester is ending and we all are a bit tired out. I do get to sleep late tomorrow (which is an exciting event in my life) and then I am going down to help my Dad decorate for Christmas and out to a tasty supper with him (Mom is out of town) so that should be fun. I'll check in tomorrow and see if a good night's sleep makes a life appear.

Meanwhile, another cute photo for your pleasure.<
Thursday, November 29, 2007
There is no mercy shown from students (I wonder where they get that from) so here I am posting again lickity split.
Had much fun last night. I left work a bit early (4 p.m. - okay - that's way early for me) and met my parents and some friends for Christmas at Los Olas.
We had a tasty dinner (Big City Tavern) and wandered around looking at all the decorated stores, listening to the live music and soaking up the Christmas atmosphere.
I even bought a Christmas present. One down, 47 more to go!
When it got too crowded to have fun, we retired to the Starbucks in Wilton Manors and had tasty beverages and much good conversation.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Bad blogger
Bless me blogosphere for I have been a bad, bad blogger. It's been one week since my last posting.
You would think with the holiday that I would have MORE time to post but that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead, I got distracted by holiday merriment (and some migraines) and next thing I knew a week had flown by and I hadn't posted a thing. I read recently in an article on what makes a good blog that you should post daily. While my students are only required to post twice a week, I think I will attempt daily postings. I am more likely to remember something I am supposed to do every day. Not necessarily more likely to DO it - but at least to remember it. And that's a start!

As my penance, I will post this totally cute picture for your amusement.
You would think with the holiday that I would have MORE time to post but that doesn't seem to be the case. Instead, I got distracted by holiday merriment (and some migraines) and next thing I knew a week had flown by and I hadn't posted a thing. I read recently in an article on what makes a good blog that you should post daily. While my students are only required to post twice a week, I think I will attempt daily postings. I am more likely to remember something I am supposed to do every day. Not necessarily more likely to DO it - but at least to remember it. And that's a start!

As my penance, I will post this totally cute picture for your amusement.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Fun Weekend
Well I am getting my second post of the week in by the skin of my teeth. I have been having a fun weekend and have no time to do any work. A friend of mine has been in town visiting. We have been having much fun hitting various art venues, parks, resteurants and doing some cooking. Let me clarify - he has been cooking - I have been eating!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I have returned
So I am back to blogging. My students are required to keep a blog and post at least twice a week in my media techno trends class so I guess it's only fair for me to hold myself to the same standard. I don't have much to say at this piont. I am more of a blog reader than a blog writer. But I enjoy reading my bogs every morning over coffee so much that I will endeavor to be as interesting or witty or insightful as those other writers are. Right now I am just writing to an empty universe so that makes it a bit of a challenge. Is this just a journal online or am I writing to someone?
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