1. You get in the shower and think, "When was the last time I was in here?"
2. You wake up and the clock says 11 and you don't know if that is a.m. or p.m.
3. You start having nightmares about forgetting to hand in grades for a class. (A variation on the student nightmare of forgetting you were taking a class.)
4. It's becomes evident that no one else knows where their shower is either.
5. Students compliment you on how well you're dressed because you have no clean clothes to wear and are stuck wearing you best things.
6. You forget how to spell and punctuate as well as the words to your favorite songs.
7. You start fantasizing about shopping in a busy crowded shopping mall and it looks GOOD to you.
8. Students you have never seen before show up in your office asking what they can do to improve their grade.
9. The people at Starbucks feel sorry for you because you spend so much time there working.
10. Getting free treats at Starbucks becomes the highlight of your day.
11. You are able to offer a thoughtful and incisive critique of Starbucks holiday drinks even though you misspell your own name.
Final thoughts.
What a professor feels like at finals.

What students think we feel like.

ALL of the things you list have happened to me this week & last. I fell asleep at 9:00 last night...so sad. More grading tonight and all weekend. BLEH.
You should open a zoo with all these animals. Lol
I can relate to this!
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