This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Blog humor

Okay, if use the word blog in your blog and spell check - the blogger spell check program doesn't recognize it as a word! Technology....sheesh


Does anyone know if it is possible to reply to comments on the blog? When people make comments (and so few do which is a bummer) it would be nice to be able to post a reply so they know you're reading their comments and if they ask a question you can answer it. Does anybody know?

Why am I majoring in computer science

So I followed the teachers instructions to upload my movie and it doesn't work. I burned the movie using idvd and it doesn't work. The whole point of majoring in CIS is so that these things won't happen when I am more knowledgeable about the computer....But if the teacher doesn't know why it doesn't work...What are the chances I ever will? Am I just wasting my time...Cause I could major is something easy like communications! ;)

multiple posts

Crap- I need nine more postings. I thought I had done many more of than that. Maybe I was thinking of worrying about it rather than actually doing it! What have I learned? That I really hate writing. If I could just talk and blogger recorded what I said I could do this every day but writing it.....this may explain my lack of publications!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

lame blogs

Since I had some free time in class after I uploaded my movie, I thought I would get caught up on reading other people's blogs. I have to say, most of them were totally lame. Several people haven't posted anything and others just a sentence or two. There were a couple where people did real posts. I enjoyed those ... it was interesting to hear other peoples perspectives about what we were doing in class. I even commented on a couple - but not all blogs allowed comments. A couple people uploaded graphics - those were nice.

End of the semester

What I have learned recently is that you might get older but you don't really change. It's the end of the semester and I am frantically trying to get everything done...just like when I was first an undergrad lo so many moons ago. I did learn today how to find files on my lap top. That is going to be a big help. It's amazing how one little piece of information can make such a big difference in your regular use of the computer.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


In the beginning was Word...Well actually in the beginning was screenwriter which was the word processing software I first learned on the Apple II. Man have times changed! I enjoyed the Word lecture...I learned several important things...The most significant was how to make the table lines reappear as that is something that irks me to no end...And how to make the columns isolated to one section of the paper. Very important tools. I didn't learn why the border always disappears off the bottom of the page...But then I didn't ask.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Movie Creation

imovie is fun. I particularly like it's possibilities for Christmas and birthday presents. Being an underpaid academic, I am always on the look out for low cost yet extremely cool, personal and appropriate gifts I can give to my family and friends. imovie offers great possibilities for that. And since these will not be posted on the internet, I can use illegal music to make it even more special and appropriate In fact, my movie for this class is a gift for my best friend. I am making a movie of photos from our various roadtrips of the last few years and putting them to a Jimmy Buffett song (because we go to the keys a lot!) Although we have gone to the mountains quite a bit also...Maybe I should be doing it to Country Roads? :)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

40 more years slipped away

Well, the first thing I have learned is how accurate Jimmy Buffett he says in He Went to Paris...time just slips away. Each week I keep meaning to post and I get caught up in different things and just this once, I put it off til the next class and now it's half way through the semseter and I havn't posted! YIKES.
Another thing I have learned, and this just recently, is that class starts at 1:40! Who knew? (Well, apparently everyone else) I thought it started at 1:55 whidh explains why I was late each day. grrrrr
But all kidding aside, I really have learned alot. I have been wanting to learn about podcasting for ages, and in fact include it in my own classes, and just havn't had the time what with all the emails n stuff. And now I know!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Purpose

Since I had already created this blog to chronicle my trip to Israel, I thought I would go ahead and use it. Also, it demonstrates my impressive abilities since I had already learned this. I thought it best to demonstrate impressive abilities while I still could. So far in the class, I have learned about alternative blackboard style software. I will be checking to see if I like it better and want to switch. Later. During the summer. When I have more time.