This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I'm up to 4 cakes!

This is my birthday week and the current cake count is at 4! Lsst weekend I visited my relatives and they had an adorable little puppy cake for me. My students had a cake for me on my actual birthday. (Which was funny because I thought this class didn't really like me that much!) I went in a grumbly mood because I really didn't want to go into work on my bday and they all sang happy birthday and had a lovely cake for me. (They then tried to get me to watch a movie in class but I lectured anyway!) Then my folks took me out last night and of course there was cake. Then my best firend sent me a king cake. Tonight I am going out with my friends to a jazz club so probably no cake. I wonder if there is a caketini?


comebacknikki said...

Yay! Happy birthday! :)

Miss Kitty said...

Happy belated birthday! So...WAS there a caketini? :-) Hope your special day was a good one.

Princess Pointful said...

Happy belated birthday Andrea!