This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Friday, December 28, 2007

About My Christmas

It occurs to me that with all the spirit/no spirit posts, I have not actually blogged about my Christmas day yet. It was extremely nice. My sister made it in from Pakistan, which we were keeping our fingers crossed on as it looked like she might have her leave canceled. She has been staying with Mom and Dad so Christmas Eve I loaded up everything I could think of and drove over there (next town 30 minutes away) We followed all our traditions. We had pizza and watched a Christmas movie and then went to our traditional 7 p.m. mass (because we all get tired too early to go to midnight mass) and then drove around looking at Christmas lights and caroling and playing Christmas trivia. During the light looking, we cruised by my house so I could give the cat her meds (insulin and Prozac - gotta love the kitty) and pick up all the gifts that wouldn't fit in my car earlier and the various things necessary for an overnight visit that I had forgotten. 4 bags to spend the night. Sheeesh!

Christmas morning I was awoken by the traditional sound of reindeer bells and we went down and opened all the gifts. There were so many that we had to take a break half way through and have our traditional German breakfast and go back for more. Then, after a short nap, we prepped for Christmas dinner. Mom's table was set with her Christmas Spode china and Christmas Crackers and decorated eggs for everyone she brought back from Salzburg. I have two close friends who are single and they came over and joined us for the afternoon and dinner as did my cousin who lives in town. Around 8 p.m. everyone left and and we finished clearing up and I headed back to my house (because kitty needs her meds) It was a lovely two days and I got to have both friends and family there. I was truly blessed.


Miss Kitty said...

What a wonderful Christmas you folks had! I'd love to hear more about the traditional German breakfast...what do you serve? Never had much German food, but it sounds delicious. Merry belated Christmas, Andrea!

Anonymous said...

aw it sounds like you had an amazing Christmas!!! hope your break is going really well, see u in a few weeks!! miss ur teaching already!!!!!!!!