It's the last night of the first week back and I am brain dead and physically fried. But I do not want to go too long without posting or I am afeared I may never post again! So I thought I would upload the avatar I created at the website squadratomagico told me about. I wanted to create an inspirational avatar for the upcoming year. Someone who looked like I felt and/or wanted to feel by the end of the year of health. The way I feel when I think of myself in my head rather than what I see when I look in the mirror (wicked things mirrors....is it any wonder they caused bad things to happen in fairy tales?) So when they make the animated version of my life (think Bidget Jones Diary meets The Paper Chase) this will be me!

I prefer the "main" one, not the alternate. I don't know you, but I just think she looks cooler.
I feel the same way about this first full week of the new semester--man, am I ever tired. Who'd've thought the first week back would be so rough?
I like the bottom one with the scarf and the cat!
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