Whatever the reason, I have started to feel better. On thing, my home office is nice and neat now. It had become a storage room with a desk in it. No lie, I had a boob high pile of boxes and crap "to deal with" that stretched about three feet. Well, I got a new desk from my parents (who just sold their second home so anything we wanted -- like my childhood desk -- had to be taken and absorbed into our homes now) and to do that I had to take everything out of the office and pile it around the rest of the apartment. Results, my apartment looks like Monk's brother lives here with piles and piles and piles of paper and crap on every surface and piled under the Christmas tree (which is still up) but my office is pristine. Clear, organized, everything neatly on the shelves. I am determined to keep it this way even if it means I can't cook for a month! (I cleared a space in front of the microwave and coffeepot) And because of this, I spent the last two evenings prepping for my classes, which had never gotten completely organized. I now have my nice notebooks made with all the info I need, my lesson plans made out and my blackboard up and up to speed. I feel so much better. I think the stress was less from a lack of time than from a loss of time. I really couldn't get a grasp on what needed to be done when, it was all floating around in my head so each day was a series of "oh shit"s as I realized I had something I desperately needed to get done right away. Now it's all down nice and neat in my planner and course notebooks and I have a nice big clean desk to do them on. Ahhhhhhhh

It is funny how cleaning up the clutter in real life simultaneouslu declutters your mind a little.
Sister, you are not the Lone Ranger here. :-) I, too, have had this sense of general panic and dread since the new semester began. I just feel disconnected from my students, and as if I'm not really teaching them anything, and not really getting to know them as learners. BLEH. Whatever it is, I hope it'll pass soon for both of us.
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