This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Silence is golden....maybe not

Okay - it has been seriously silent here at the Andrea Chronicles...but that is because I have been having too much fun!

Last week I had some friends in from out of town with thier 1 year old baby whom I havn't seen in ...about a year. Fortunately they have been very good about sending pictures so I did not feel like I was greeting a total stranger - because let me tell you the differnce between 1 month and 1 year is pretty extreme! I certianly did not change as much in one year - although I think we did each gain about the same amount of weight! But she is soooo cute. If you say - "what does a snake do?" She sticks her little pink tongue in and out. So cute!

And then I headed up to visit some relatives for the weekend. Hadn't seen them in a while and I like to visit over Chsirtmas if I can. (And yes this counts as over Christmas since I just sent out my Christmas cards last week and final gifts are going out next week)

And today is my birthday. So happy birthday me.

1 comment:

Hilaire said...

Happy Birthday, You!