This blog chronicles the doings, happenings, random thoughts and various and sundry tidbits of my life. Some are interesting, some are not.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Thoughts about teaching

If there are teachings, instructions or corrections to be given, always give them with a lot of love, and no trace of anger.

This was a quote I got during Christmas break from the Peace Village. I saved it because during break the last thing I wanted to think about was teaching. But I knew if break went well and did what it should, when the semester started, I would be refreshed and ready to think about my teaching again. I like to spend a little time at the beginning of the semester and during the summer thinking about teaching as a global concept. My teaching philosophy and ways to put that into my classes. During the middle of the semester it's all I can do to remember I have a teaching philosophy! But if teaching is to be more than just an administrative activity I do for a living, then it's important to me that I remember the fact that I truly believe that it's more than that. That it is in some ways a calling and that for me, because I love learning and love my subject, its a means of sharing something I love with others.

During the semester it is so easy to get caught up in the pile of stuff to do and the aggravation of students for whom learning is not a calling. Who make self destructive academic choices that I do no understand. And then to get angry and frustrated by that. But I think that that is really me projecting my own desires on students and becoming frustrated that they are not what I want them to be. Which is not there purpose. I must remember that they are all individuals who are in school and my class for a variety of different reasons that are not my reasons. I may be able to show some of them what I think is a better reason to be there and a better way to be as student, but probably not if I am angry and frustrated. Few people will change in the face of anger. They instead get defensive. Even if I am right, if the person I am interacting with (be it students of faculty or administrators) is on the defensive, I am unlikely to get through to them. I may have a brief cathartic moment of release at venting my anger and frustration - particularly if it is justified. But I will not likely achieve my real goal. Which with the students, is to show them how learning is fun, how it enriches their lives and that working hard and mastering something brings a deeper pleasure than the obvious pleasure of Friday night on South Beach and that it's worth going for. But if i can stay in a place of love and peace, I think I am much more likely to be successful. Surely, even if I am not successful, I will end the semester less frustrated! :)

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